Articles on: Ring

My Circular Ring is not working anymore / dead

If your ring is not working properly, we are sorry for the inconvenience and we will assist.

Since the ring has multiple functions, it may be possible that a particular function no longer works. For example, the battery, the PPG led, the vibration (if you own a ring with vibration capabilities) or the charging functions may be one of the default. Please try to list the issues when you contact us as well as the last actions you performed before it stopped working.

If the LED of your charger does not blink anymore, then the charger may need to be changed.

If you can't see your Circular ring on the Circular app please refer to this.

If it still doesn't work, then please contact us on our website's chat or You'll need to provide the serial number of the non working ring that you can find on the QR code label on the side of the respective ring's packaging. In the first instance, the technical team will remotely analyze the logs of your ring. They will either find a solution or state that the ring is indeed not working properly. If the warranty is eligible, then we will do a replacement at no charge. If the warranty is not eligible, then we will offer you a replacement at a lower cost.

Updated on: 11/03/2025

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